Amber is not a rock, but a fossilized resin most commonly found in hues of golden-yellow to yellow-brown. It can also grow in hues of green, red and blue.
Amber shows strong healing qualities for assisting the body in self healing. It has a long history of absorbing and transmuting negative energy. Rather than deflecting the negative energy of either the wearer or someone in the wearers vicinity, Amber literally absorbs these energies, taking the negativity into itself and transmuting it into positive energy. The best way to clean Amber under these circumstances is to sit it in a full sun to moon to sun cycle, or outside for 24-48 hours in pure, unfiltered sunlight. It can also be gently smudged with sage smoke.
Its mutable nature reflects the flow of life, showing you how to move through life rather than getting caught in societal beliefs or distractions that arise. Amber’s nature is to not harden but to stay fluid as life moves around it, only taking form after reflecting its surroundings.
Golden Amber stimulates the pineal gland and the crown chakra. It encourages intellectual consciousness of the third chakra. Working with both these chakras, Amber supports creating universal abundance.
Green Amber stimulates healing at the fourth chakra. It supports the heart and the flow of blood through the arteries and veins of the blood system.
Red Amber is excellent at the first chakra to keep pranic energy moving. Use it for kidney stones and bladder infections. It is a good stone to use while undertaking a body detox.
The rarer Blue Amber can be used at the fifth chakra or sixth chakra. If using it at the sixth chakra, place it directly on the third eye to release any blocks you might have to intuitive work, such as clairvoyance or channeling. When placed at the fifth chakra, it can help you speak with more fluidity and confidence.
Blue Amber can also have a stimulating affect when it shows internal redness. This means that on the surface the mineral will appear blue, but will be seen as deep red when looking through its center. The blue and red together emit a purple ray that can unit the first and seventh chakras to unite the entire chakra system.
Copal, many times referred to as Amber, is actually a “younger Amber” and not yet fossilized. It is less expensive than natural Baltic or African Ambers but will still have the same attributes as golden Amber. Amber, which begins as copal, but losses its organic compounds through extreme heat and pressure, thus creates a more stable mineral.